Legal notice
Company information:
Gestiun GmbH & Co. KG Magdeburger Börde
Ouluer Straße 25
06130 Halle (Saale)
Commercial register AG Stendal, HRA 4177
VAT number (USt-IdNr.) DE293265837
General partner:
Gestiun Verwaltungs-GmbH
Ouluer Straße 25
06130 Halle (Saale)
Commercial register AG Stendal, HRB 18360
Represented by: Mr Claudio Pedrett & Mr Kay-Uwe Müller
Contact details:
Phone +49 345 976037-77
Fax +49 345 976037-81
Building management:
Hallensische Gebäudeverwaltung GmbH (HGV GmbH)
Ouluer Strasse 25
06130 Halle (Saale)
Commercial register AG Stendal, HRB 18323
VAT number (USt-IdNr.) DE285695182
Represented by: Herr Günter Kreissel
Contact details:
Phone +49 345 976037-77
Fax +49 345 976037-81
MD office
Breiter Weg 10a
39104 Magdeburg
Phone +49 391 597559-40
Fax +49 391 597559-43
Layout and implementation
THESIS solutions GmbH
Schlesische Straße 29-30,
10997 Berlin
Phone +49 309 16844-00
Fax +49 309 16844-99
Liability for links
Our website features links to third party websites and we have no control over the content of these websites. We can thus accept no responsibility for their content for which the respective provider or operator are responsible. All third party websites that are linked to our website are screened for legal infringements at the time of linking. No illegal material was detected at this time. However, a continuous monitoring of all content on linked sites is not considered reasonable without a concrete indication for a violation of the law. As soon as an illegal activity at a third party would be revealed, the link would immediately be removed.
The content and works compiled by the page operators featured on this website are protected by German copyright law. The reproduction, modification, distribution and use in any way outwith the limits set by copyright law are not permitted without the written consent of the respective author. Downloads and copying is only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the service provider has not compiled the contents of this site, the copyrights of third parties must be observed. The contributions of third parties are identified as such. Should you come across any material that may constitute a violation of copyright law, please inform us immediately. As soon as such a violation is exposed, the content would immediately be removed.
Photography credits
Our website features photos taken by master photographer Louisa Behnke ( and freelance photographer Andreas Lander ( We have purchased the rights to these photos.
Magdeburg’s Marketing Congress and Tourism Company (MMKT) generously provided access rights to the use of their video.
Certain photos featuring individual commercial entities were provided by the respective business operator.
Magdeburg’s Green Citadel
A Hundertwasser architectural project
© 2015 Namida AG, Glarus, Switzerland